Sunday, November 29, 2009

for the backstory and the ongoing drama

I have been following the wonderful Mike Riddell as he blogs the (very high) highs and (very low) lows of putting together the film of his book The Insatiable Moon. Filming has begun. Worth reading the blog from the beginning - or at least looking over the journey of the last few months. Mr. Riddell and his supporters are overcoming the seemingly insurmountable odds against them in real time.

Mr. Riddell has played with the novel form several times over the past few years. I have not been able to get a hold of The Insatiable Moon but did find Deep Stuff to be wonderfully thought provoking. Must be read slowly.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this Derek. I am also a huge fan of Mike Riddell but didn't know about this. I read The Insatiable Moon a few years ago and loved it.

Derek said...

I am quite sorry that the only copies I have been able to find are prohibitively expensive. Everything I have read by him has been very refreshing and renewing.