Saturday, March 5, 2011

a bit of a ramble (or...if I waited for fully formed ideas before acting I would never post anything)

I think that for a good few years I would have said I was looking for a unified theory to explain everything and propel me forward. I now realize (for me at least) that was a bit silly, the theory a bit of a red herring, idolatrous. I knew this for theology a few years ago (settling on one theology, so you can be some kind of -ist definitely not for me now). Trying to explain the infinite and unfixable with something finite and fixed just doesn't work.

That said, I love that we come up with theology (and with theories). I love thinking and talking about the way things are. Rambling. Talking nonsense is an important part of my creative process and a lot of my rambling is nonsense - but fun. I like an idea/theology that admits it is just a part of the picture, open to revision. (I need more conversation.)

This is why I love when people offer a story, a metaphor, a picture, a parable (any of that sort of thing) as part or the whole of their justification. Have to admit that I am not very good at any of this yet. (I would love to work on it.)

So not a theory but themes. What I am looking for are ways to process what is happening around me and beyond - the thoughts and feelings that these happenings provoke, the horror, the horror, the sad beautiful kaleidoscope. My drawing is part of this. Even though I feel far from it, I get that there is a style there somewhere and happy influences and some sense of what's going on. I want to move towards something that is spontaneous and vibrant enough to catch some of the extraordinary everyday.

There's a lot of work that needs to go into this. Most days I just scratch the surface. But I am trying.

All of which is to say, This drawing makes me really happy.

The idea for the drawing was stolen from here. For someone who is having a great go at telling stories at the moment try here.

1 comment:

Joan said...

A great blog. I wish I had said it. I also wish I had your artistic gift. You obviously get so much joy out of your drawing. You are very inspiring. Please take a look at my blog, where I do my best to read parts of the bible each week. It is just my way of spreading the Word. God bless.