Monday, November 29, 2010



I made the Tartine bread of a few posts ago. Amazing. I only veered from the recipe where I was not equipped to follow the directions. This meant a tray of boiling water at the base of the oven and frequent spirts of water to ensure there was enough steam. Really really pleased with this. As good a crust as I have ever made. As good and tasty as it looks. Ingredients: water, flour, salt.

Again, Wow.

what is precious

Really, one of the best 'things' I have ever read.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

delights dilemmas

Some of the past week.

The Zadie Smith essay is a must read.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Tartine Bread from 4SP Films on Vimeo.

As part of a broadening in the way that I make bread, I am starting to worker my way through the Tartine Bread book. Working on my first starter. Stay tuned.

anonymous, tuol seng

I drew and then posted the page that this wee girl appeared on in my notebook to the blog a couple of weeks ago. When I opened the page of the magazine on which the book she is featured in was advertized her image immediately stood out. She looks very self-possessed, almost defiant - I immediately reached for my pen. Even though I knew the book was about photography and political violence, I imagined that she was a refugee and wondered what she might be doing now. To my gut-sickened horror, I found out this past week that her fate was much more immediate and awful.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

the rest of the page

Half a week's thoughts. I want to communicate something here on the blog but don't seem to have the inclination to sit and write so it is on with my cryptic parenthetical ways. The must read article of the week is an NYRB discussion of a couple of Dylan books. Great reflections on his changes over the years - and Dylan comes out sounding like someone who continues to think and engage his art, faith, life, and the world in general in impressive ways. The article is definitely worth a read.

Big Issue: “The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.” I don’t want to put you on the spot, but you sure deliver that song like a true believer.
Bob Dylan: Well, I am a true believer.

And Lincoln's ability to change his mind articulately is deeply impressive. He only articulated full emancipation for slaves towards the end of his life. How did he remain passionately alert to the changes in his own mind and heart as well as to what was happening in the nation? I had not thought about (or maybe even been aware of this) before reading the NYRB review.

I think this looks like John Howard Yoder - trying to get our attention in a week in which a nation shrugs off torture as no big deal once again.


Again, nothing like Guilermo del Toro.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I'll upload this properly - but for now the tired blur matches my sleep deprived fuzziness, which is not altogether unpleasant. There is a fizziness going along with this. And I really do not look like Guillermo del Toro. Look at his great notebook.


A succinct explanation of Kamel Makhlouf's graph here.

My own take on this here.

something is happening somewhere

'somethin' is happenin' but you don't know what it is/do you..?'

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

post it or not or post it...

I've been trying a lot of new recipes...and a work-length beard. This is the exciting life I lead.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

fizzing engagement

Really like the fizzing engagement that comes across in this video. I found this through the constantly connecting, always informing Austin Kleon. His book of poems, which winged here last week, is moving, wise, and very funny.

word of god on a wall

Brooklyn, NYC